- today I'm gonna be showing you what tips for a healthy lifestyle help you get ontrack or you every live like a healthy lifestyle maybe you'll learn something I i I'mhoping that you're gonna learn something now so I gathered at things that I like todo and that really helped we know and so do i hope you enjoyed this article the first tip I have is to eat a goodat filling breakfast full of protein and fiber this is really going to start your dayoff go ahead that way you have the fuel to get through the day you haven't eatenin a while you've been sleeping so you literally want to break the fast that's me breaking a break from a fastfor a bear

- I see you always something that's full of protein and fiber so thatkeeps you full for a long time and it's also going to help you not binge lateron in the day so you won't be tempted to eat all kinds of junk food that typethings that you have with the energy and feel that you need the day I really likehaving oatmeal and this is really good especially this feel cooler when youlive where you just like something warm in your stomach when you wake up in themorning so i put some almond butter on top and an strawberries and kind of feellike peanut butter and jelly I did it I like it my second tip is tofocus word eating more real food and less processed food so wasted is takingto the perimeter of the grocery stores that you're eating things that haven'tbeen heavily process so it's going to have like a hundred calories of an applevs like a hundred calories of like those in station was like you know hundredcalorie cookie packs that are like sure they're hundred calories but they'realso full of a lot of like I with those parts there have been other processversus a hundred value of an apple you'll get a lot more benefits from withthe Apple then you will the process snacks so just start like making those kind ofswamps and eating more real food unless processes and this gets me and tomy utter tape which is to make some healthy spots in your everyday meals soI call pinterest if I'm making a recipe just look for some healthy swaps that Ican you use in there and that way it will increase the nutritional value 

- ofwhat you're eating so you're my next step is to give ityourself a power hour and what this means that you're getting up yeah you're getting up an hour earlier Iknow guys it's hard but I promise like it's just so enjoyable so with thispower hour is you take 20 minutes for your mind 20 minutes for your body and 20 minutesfor yourself so for your mind you could do something like meditation orjournaling or your body you could do something like I just a nice well justdo some nice stretching and it's going to really start your day off right and then something for your soul you canlisten to a podcast or read a nice positive inspiring book I really been liking the book you arebad as my gin Carrie I think so Carrie I think that'show you say it is audible .

- bonus round my next step is to use it out ofsomething like MyFitnessPal just to keep track of your portion sizes and whatyou're eating i think a lot of the time you know you're saying i'm having abullet see over records you'll keep track of that but your bowl of whatyou're pouring in mayor be like three servings i'm totally guilty this 0 youfollow ball and it turns out one service one cup and if you measure we put yourball dirty three cups so i suggest for a couple days just doing masters to seekind of what you're eating how much you're eating just to make sure that like you knowyou're eating a good serving amount and stuff like that my next step is to just overall cut downon the amount of sugar like processor you have your diet kind of try toincorporate more fruits friends are really great natural fruit juice andLucas and your body runs on glucose like as physical energy unit all the cars andeverything you eat those kind of like

- the calories calories are entered theirsugar or glucose what your body needs to kind of keep going so just take back and have a lot offruits make a smoothie bulb is going to give you a lot of like fruit energythat's going to be good for you and it's also going to satisfy your sweet toothmy next step is to drink some green juice or if you don't have a juicer youcan make it smoothly it'll just be like more fibrous and lesslike juicy but a lot of making green juices because it's a really easy way toget in a bunch of vitamins and minerals that are really fresh and tastes reallygood especially if you're not super into the taste of spinach or candle or kindof like the green vegetables you can really highlight in the green juice byusing things like apples oranges and pineapple because the sweetness of thosethings will like totally you won't even taste like the spinach with the kale there's an easy way to kind of get thosenutrients my last thing is to just have fun and experiment with new recipes try something like meatless Monday's ifyou are going to use meter and see how you like maybe not having an experimentwith something on pinterest invite your friends over like make fun just buysomething that you like because I guarantee there's going to be a healthyrecipe that you like you just have to have fun kind of see the kinds of thingsyou do like the kind of things you don't like to thank you guys for watching mytips if you about name helpful please let me know down Thomas blow or being happy that ihaven't mentioned also let us now so that we can all share and like thehealth tips I always do this why doesn't every videoi hope you guys are all having a fabulous day and I will see you in my next Article