- we areI don't mind today I wanted to make a video but a realistic one about how toget on that healthy lifestyle train all of us have these resolutions of gettingfitter and healthier and eating cleaner and I find that whenever I watch thosevideos on YouTube it's always like such unrealistic recommendations for someonelike me that wakes up multiple times of night because I have to take care of ababy or it gets up really earlier has like need to go to work and just like doa lot of a bunch of different things I wanted to basically compile likesuggestions that I'm gonna take you through with me throughout the day soyou see how I'm actually fitting them in and hopefully inspire you to startimplementing those little goals into your lifestyle for yourself I wanted tosay huge thank you to eight fit for sponsoring and collaborating with me onthis video if it is a mobile app that lets you customize your meals and your workouts now let's get to the tips so first of the day is workouts you can'tavoid it if you want to get healthier if you want to get in shape you've got tomove your body
- especially the way we operate today most of us are sitting andnot moving as much as we should to me it's unrealistic to go to the gym everysingle day and spending two hours with the commute and change and shower andthis endless and and get a workout in once I wake up in the morning and if Ihad a rough night or I know that I have a really busy day I'm thinking aboutthis whole like time investment and that's my biggest excuse that basicallystops me from going and working out so the hack that I've been using for awhile now is using a set if you guys watch any ofmy health and fitness videos it fit has been part of my routine for a while nowI love the app and it's a very easy way to get that workout in for people thatdon't have the time 

- and want to just get a workout in at home without anyequipment necessary you can customize your workouts and your meals but thatwe're going to get to later my workout today is the time interval full-body andthis is perfect because it's nine minutes along and you will burn 252calories that's it you can start so let's get going for me it's really allabout getting that effective workout in that will suit my lifestyle the biggestmistake that a lot of people do is that they commit to doing with some exercisesor classes or start with the doesn't fit their lifestyle doesn't have room intheir schedule and it's just I feel like stresses you out makes you feel like afailure because you haven't like achieved what you promised yourself youwould so to make sure we avoid all of that just make sure that you choose aworkout and a fitness routine that suits the way you lead your life it doesn'tneed to disrupt it so be mindful of that when planning your fitness goals it's very important for me to mentionthat you guys also need to ease into things I mean you don't need to gohardcore there's obviously more complex workouts on 8/5 but I'm just gettingback into kind of my fitness journey after the pregnancy and I want to makesure that I don't like tell my body I want to make sure that I'm being mindfulof the way I move so I'm starting slowly this is an amazing like good workout aquick one did you just squeeze in every morning and then once I'm gonna feelstronger and more capable I'm gonna keep pushing kind of my limits and trysomething that is a little more challenging for me you have to bemindful of the fact that it's a journey and try a lot of different things so youcan try yoga you can try Tabata you might hate yoga you might hate somethingelse and you might love habit I like you never know so you have to keep tryingdifferent things
- to see something that works for you and that's in general Ifind that you know some people they go to like a class and then they hate itand then it kind of drop their whole resolutions of getting fitter you haveto first of all to do three times each class and police to see if you reallyhate it or it was just uncomfortable but it gets better with every time and try abunch of different classes to see what works for you what you enjoy you have tofind something that you enjoy the reason why I keep putting myself in 
ridiculoussituations like signing myself up for a hip hop class and stuff like that isbecause 
 - it's just another way to move my body and it's something that I don'tknow I'm gonna enjoy but I wanted to try to see if I will enjoy and I loved itand I can't wait to do it again so try different things and fall in love withsomething that you're actually excited to do it's always gonna be challengingonce you stick to it it becomes like this fuel for your body so that'sdefinitely tip that I had to mention and now aftermy little workout session it's time to get some food in here because I'mstarving another tip I wanted to mention that'svery important is you know how like our bad habits like eating junk food and allthose kind of things are so easy because you know when you want to let's say eatsomething and you know they're preparing a healthy meal is such a big fuss so youopt for kind of the bad habits so something that's been working for meis making healthy habits just easier so reducing the amount of steps you need tomake to make those happen 
so let's say when you want to grab a snack instead ofgoing grabbing those ships having like a bowl of fruits on your counter it's justan easier way for you just to grab and I think about it too muchthe same goes if you want to start let's say doing a lemon with water in themorning so before I would just get so lazy to cut the lemon so now before I goto sleep or even in the morning the first thing I'll do I'll just like put alemon and a glass of water so it's just in front of me and I'm already likedoing it or the same thing with lemon juice or even like celery juicingbecause I started doing that in the morning now to kind of test it out likeI'll wash all the celery and I'll keep it in the fridge in a ziploc and then atnight I'll just put it out or scary to put it out and then when I come downit's just in front of me and all I need to do is put it in the juicer so thingslike that just minimizes the amount of steps you need to take to make gooddecisions it's very good X aim thing goes to putting out your workout clothesor putting your running shoes at the front so when you come downstairs yousee those running shoes you like ha I can go for a little walk right now whynot get shoes already there palms up while I'm here holding my phone issomething that I started doing and I'm still practicing I'm by no meansmastered this but I think it's such an important habit to master and it's adigital detox it's very difficult especially for someone like me we'recreating content is my job and content is everywhere all the time around me soit's very tempting to constantly have your phone on but honestly I've learnedthat detaching myself as much as possible and like looking at it as workor you know making sure that I have the time for like social scrolling or justkeeping in touch with friends through social media but I do make sure that inthe evenings I try to cut it off so probably around 8 p.m. I put it away atnight I started getting into the habit of putting in a play mode and chargingit in the bathroom throughout the day I sometimes will put my phone away inanother room when I'm focusing on doing a certain job or tasks or shooting avideo so I'm trying to find those pockets throughout the day where I canjust take this away from me food is a crucial part of gettinghealthier and reaching your goals whether it's get stronger fitter or loseweight whatever it is because you know when exercise is super important butit's honestly I have to say 80% diet 20% movement and it really goes soso well together so with diet you want to make sure thatyou try to cook at home as much as possible I know that it'sreally tempting to order in or to step out for restaurants especially for Garyand I because that's basically our only time to actually spend like quiet timeone-on-one but I am trying to be mindful cooking as many dinners and lunches asyou can at home even if it means three or four times a week that's a good startso if you're like me and you're not a fan of cooking and don't know your wayaround the kitchen and don't understand how to put things together to make themtaste good that's why I love using eight fit to really give me inspiration keepme on track give me some simple and very basic mealsand

- I'm gonna show you some of the meal plan that I've built myself so when I goon the meals portion on the meal section you can customize your meals and todaywe have breakfast lunch snack dinner and you can change skip customize it whichis amazing so let's say maple chia overnight oats too late for that so Iwant to change for something that is easier for me to do and that I have allthe ingredients like this banana chocolate porridge this is a fiveminutes it's energy booster it has all the right things that I want after myworkout to give me energy and to fill me up and that's what I'm gonna do so it'svery easy to get inspired and also to plan your grocery shopping so I'm justdoing the grocery shop so once you go to the store it's so easy to see what youneed for the rest of your week and then once you purchase that item you justtake it off and it just makes everything so much easier and more accurate andagain getting a good healthy habit easier tomaster so now I'm gonna prepare the banana chocolate porridge it takes fiveminutes which is exactly my kind of recipe and that's how we do it so it fit hasover 700 meals on their app so obviously your choice is humongous and you canreally customize it to the goal that you want if it's weight loss or it'smaintenance which is help if it's building myself things like that and youcan change things so if you don't like the meal you can customize it for yourown liking which is awesome also if you're vegetarian vegan paleo any ofthat stuff all of those diets are also covered in the app so you can build yourmeal plan on the app take into consideration that you're on thatspecific diet which is amazing okay finished my breakfast do a littlestretching because my body will appreciate itoh that was my bones so just to finish off with a couple more tips that I thinkare important to keep in mind one of them is prioritizing sleep 
- I'm sure youguys know sleep is so so vital for our bodies and it's not only sleep a sourceof quality sleep so that means kind of referring back to having a detox fromyour phone and other gadgets just keeping in mind to shut them off an hour- before you go to sleep will help you to get in that quality sleephelp your mind to relax on your body to relax and you'll be able to actually getthe benefits from sleeping it is recommended to sleep between to 8hours per night so if you can't achieve that you do it the best thing you can dois kind of look at yourself as a child and set yourself at that time there'snothing better than to get into a routine where you go to sleep and youwake up every morning at the same time it's so good for your body it's so goodfor your mental health it's so good for your energy levels it's really gonnamake sure that everything in your body works properly so please keep in mindsleep is extremely extremely important the next step is something that I thinkis very good to people to remember especially now at a time where we arefocusing on introducing more healthy habits into our lives a lot of peopleour initial reaction for these New Year's resolution is going to ourcupboard throw out all the junk food throw out all the chocolates like goreally 100% on cutting all the bad stuff out and I feel like that really neverworks for me my suggestion is using the method of crowding out rather thancutting out so crowding out is basically introducing a new healthy habit everycouple of weeks into your life and make sure that you are consistent with it sokeep with that one habit for at least 2 3 4 weeks to make it an actual routineand then start doing that slowly with other healthy habits what will happen isthat those habits will start taking over your daily routine and those bad habitswhich are just gonna crab out so instead of you limiting yourself and saying youcan't have this and I can't have that I can't have that which kind of createsthis rebellious spirit inside of us I feel so someone tells me you can't eatchocolate and you can't eat pizza by someone I mean myself all I want to dois eat that chocolate and eat that pizza so I'm all against those restrictionsinstead the method of crowd out is a very much a realistic thingthat we are able to do and achieve and it's a much slower process which meansthat it's going to stick so remember there any rapid changes that you makeit's not necessarily your gonna stick for the long term and that's what we'relooking for we don't want just every year in January be like my resolution isto get healthier and then have those resolutions for like two weeks and thenback to normal another thing that I feel like reallybenefited me and make me feel good about my body and taking care of it isintroducing little wellness rituals
- into my routine so I started doing like everyweek on Saturdays I'll go to a sauna and that's my time to kind of de-stress I'llstretch in the Sun it's like my little ritual of taking care of my body and Ireally enjoy it now and then I read at that sauna like it's my little escapesame thing goes to dry brushing I make a point of choosing one day a week where Ihave a little bit of time in the morning and I'll dry brush my body before I gointo the shower all these things just kind of makes you feel like you'repampering yourself taking care of yourself these are inexpensive things todo I mean it's just like little tokens of appreciation for your body and foryour health so if you guys want to kind of set aside a time to get to makeyourself a nice fat or give yourself a foot massage or anything like that I'm afacial mask self care you guys so good for your mental and physical health somake it a habit you don't have to wait for something  happen to rewardyourself make it a habit to you know once or twice a week to really kind ofgive that key of C to yourself and this is it you guys these are all mytips to how to start healthy lifestyle that is realistically approachable andhopefully it's something that you can start implementing into your life let meknow if you do I wanted to say huge thank you again to 8/5 for sponsoringthis video and collaborating with me and if you are interested in trying out the8 fit app they're offering my subscribers a free trial of theirpremium version and you can find all the details in the description box so I wantto know which points throughout this video you found it more helpfulsomething that you can integrate into your life and let me know if there's anyother tricks and hacks that you use especially this time of year to kind ofget yourself going and motivated to stay on track on that healthy lifestylethank you guys so much for reading and I'll see you guys next time