- Hello, friends, welcome to my blog If you're new here. So, I'm excited to bepartnering with my friends at Bob's Red Mill tobring you today's video. They feel like the perfectpartner for this video because they literally have almost every single variety of oat thatyou could ever imagine. They have everythingfrom quick, instant oats. They have traditional rolled oats. They have extra thick rolled oats. They have steel-cut oats. You name it, they have it. For today's  I'mactually gonna be showing you how to make steel-cutoats in the instant pot, but I do just want to prefacethat you can use any method for cooking  oatmeal and anytype of oats for this recipe. So, just make a traditionalbatch of oatmeal, any type of variety thatyou like, make it plain, and then you can use these flavor options to spice it up and make ita little bit more exciting. So, make sure to stay tunedto the end of the video because I'll share a little bit more about Bob's Red Mill as well as whereyou can find their products. Without further adieu,let's go ahead and dive in. All right

- so I'm gonna first show you how to cook the steel-cut oats. So, we're gonna use Bob's Red Mill gluten-free steel-cut oats. Make sure that you'reusing the regular ones, not the quick-cooking ones. We're gonna add two fullcups into our instant pot. We're gonna follow thatup with some water, and my trick is to actuallyalso add in some almond milk. It makes it super creamy. And then, we're gonnaadd in a pinch of salt, which really helps bring out the flavor, and stir it all together. Pop your lid on your instant pot. Make sure that your vent is closed. And then, you're gonnaturn your pressure on high. Set it to four minutes. I like to turn the keep warm setting off, but that's optional. Let your instant pot turn on, and then, it will build pressure andthe timer will count down. Once it's done counting, letit sit for about 10 minutes, then actually release the pressure. Then you can release thepressure the rest of the way. Once it's released you can remove your lid and stir everything together. Your instant pot oatsshould be nice and creamy. They have such an awesome texture. And seriously, a cookingtime of four minutes, you can't beat that. All right, so, now we're gonna move on to our different flavors.

- The first flavor that we'regonna make is apple cinnamon. We're gonna add about a cup of cooked steel-cut oats into a bowl. Add in about half of a chopped apple as well as some cinnamon, and then just give it a quick stir until everything is combined. Once it's combined you canmove on to your toppings, which is just the restof the chopped apple, as well as some chopped almondsand a nice pinch of cinnamon and a drizzle of maplesyrup to finish it off. And then, you can just dig in. This is so awesome in the winter and fall. It's really cozy and warming and you could also actually saute theapples if you wanted. That would be delicious, as well Our second recipe is lemon blueberry. Again, we're gonna add about a cup of cooked steel-cut oats into our bowl. To that we're gonna add some lemon juice, some frozen blueberries,and some maple syrup, and just stir that togetheruntil it is all evenly combined. Your oats should kind ofturn like a purply color, it's really pretty. And then, for topping on this one we're gonna add on some more blueberries,
 we're gonna add some lemon zest, which really helps brighten up that flavor and gives it a nice extra zing. Some chopped almonds for alittle bit of crunch and texture. And then, I like to add some almond milk onto this one justbecause it makes it like super creamy and it's really delicious. This one, of course, is really bright, flavorful, it's full of berries, and I think it's perfect inthe springtime and summer. Our third flavor is a classic, it's peanut butter and banana. You're gonna add about a cup of steel-cut oats into your bowl. From there you're gonna add half of a mashed banana into the bowl, as well as a tablespoon of peanut butter. And then, you'll stirthis all together until everything is smoothand creamy and combined. Once it's all combined, for our toppings we'regonna keep it super simple,

-  it's just the rest of the banana, so you're gonna end up usinga whole banana in this recipe. I like to slice it up. You could also chop it,you could just do whatever. And then, we'll also finish it off with a drizzle of peanut butter because the more peanut butter the better, in my opinion. And I like to finish it off with something a little bit crunchy, it's really good with chopped peanuts, but I really like to use hempseeds and also chia seeds. So, I did a blend of chopped peanuts and chia seeds for this one. And then, you can just dig right in. This one is so good. I will say that the bananas don't last quite as long as someof the other recipes, so if you're gonna mealprep all six of these, I would recommend thatyou eat this one first.  Our fourth recipe is chocolate coconut. You guys know I had toadd something chocolate in here 'cause I lovechocolate for breakfast. Again, it's gonna use about acup of cooked steel-cut oats, as well as some maple syrup,a little bit of coconut milk, some raw cacao, and then,we're gonna stir that together until your oatsget nice and chocolatey. The coconut milk is gonna helpto kinda loosen up the oats, especially if you're making this with oats that have already been cookedand they're kind of cold. And then, once that's all combined, we're just gonna top that withsome toasted coconut chips, as well as some chocolate chips. And then, again, I like to do another drizzle of coconut milk here. It just adds a reallynice creaminess to it, and it kind of helps to balanceout some of the sweetness. This one kind of reminds me of Samoas, like, you know, the Girl Scout cookies. It's got that really nice toasted coconut flavor combined with the chocolate, and it's a little bit on thedecadent side, but I love it. Our fifth recipe is throwin' it back to childhood and it's. 
- Again, we're gonna add one cup of cooked steel-cut oats into our bowl. We're gonna top that with about a tablespoon of peanut butter. I'm using some homemadepeanut butter here. If you're interestedin getting that recipe I'll link it down for you below, but just stir it alltogether into the oats. You're basically just gonnahave a peanut butter base. And then, the toppingfor this one is going to be a generous dollop of chia seed jam. You could use whateverkind of jam you like, but I like to use chia seedjam because it's adding a nice form of protein,some extra healthy fats, and it's really easy to make at home. And then, to finish itoff, some maple syrup, a little bit of coconut flakes, and some chopped peanuts for a crunch. And again, this one is just like very, it's got the peanutbutter, it's got protein, it's got healthy fat,and the flavor combo, you just, you can't beatpeanut butter and jelly, it's just one of those combosthat just makes you happy. And then, last but not least, we are making a maple sea salt variety. So, again, we're gonna use onecup of cooked steel-cut oats.
- At this point you probably willhave used all of your oats, so the two cups makesabout six full portions. We're also gonna add atablespoon of cashew butter, which helps to make it really creamy, as well as some vanillabean powder or you could use vanilla extract, anda touch of maple syrup. And you're gonna stir that together until it is smooth and creamy. The cashew butter really helps give this some creaminess and kind of like a rich, caramely flavor alongwith the maple syrup. Mmm, it's so good. And then, for topping this one we're keeping it super simple,just some chopped up pecans, some additional maple syrup,a splash of almond milk, and also, a pinch of flaked sea salt. The sea salt combined with themaple is bangin', you guys. It really brings out the sweetness. It also brings out the caramely flavors and it kind of tasteslike a pecan pie/dessert. This is definitely my favorite variety, and I think it's just so good,you guys are gonna love it. Even if you aren't asweet-salty combo person, it's really good, you gotta try it. And that pretty much does itfor all six of our flavors. And what's great about steel-cut oats is that they are meal-prep friendly, so you can make all of these on a Sunday and they will last you all week long. I just recommend that you eat the ones that have fruit first because that will tend to get a little bitsoggy as the week goes on. But I hope you guys try 'em, and I know you're gonnareally, really like them. And there you have it, my friends. I hope you enjoyed today'soatmeal inspired video I can't wait to hearwhat flavors you make. My personal favoriteis the maple sea salt. I also love the peanut butter and jelly and the chocolate coconut. You really can't gowrong with any of them. They're all delicious. So, make sure to come back to this article and let me know whichone you end up trying. You can just leave a comment down below. 
I also want to thank Bob's Red Mill for joining us in today's video. Like I said, you can find their products pretty much everywhere. So, they're sold nationwide in the US. They're also sold globally. They're also sold online on their website as well as on Amazon. And like I said before,they also have an entire range of certified gluten-free oats, so it's great for peoplewith celiac disease or a severe gluten intolerance because you can pretty much get any variety of oat that you like certified gluten-free. So, make sure to check the description box because I have linked products, I've linked to their website, and I've also linked today's blog post, which has the fulltutorial for this video, including how to cooksteel-cut oats in the instant pot as well asthe six flavor varieties. So, that is all down inthe description box below. Otherwise, thank you guysso much for being here. Make sure to give this videoa thumbs up before you go. Hit that red Subscribebutton that is right below this video so youdon't miss another one. I'm here twice a week,every Tuesdays and Fridays, with brand new videos, so if you also hit that bell notification, that will turn on yournotifications and you won't miss any of our new content. Otherwise, have afabulous rest of your day, and I'll see you in the next  Article  Bye.